Finding Beauty: Worship Ministry
We work hard to offer a fitting sacrifice of praise to God. You will find purpose driven beautiful music, chanting, bells, smells all towards this goal.
Visiting the Sick, the lonely and you
We are happy to visit you, whether you are in a hospital, senior care home, your home or at a coffee shop if you just want a coffee. We take this rather seriously. We will even pray over you for healing, encouragement, and bless your dwelling, field, car ... among other things!
The Sacraments: Funerals, Weddings, Baptism even to non-Members!
Unlike some parishes if you are looking for a wedding, baptism, or funeral and are a baptized Orthodox Christian we will be happy to celebrate and pray with you. For weddings and baptism there may be some counseling/teaching sessions as needed done on a case by case basis.
Getting To Church
We are happy to drive you if you are unable to get to our church. Just contact us. Chances are there is someone near you.
Preaching the Gospel: Sometimes Using Words
We are a church centered around the Gospel and the message of Jesus Christ as preached everywhere and always. As such you will find preaching on Sunday, Catechism for newcomers and regular bible studies or talks on different relevant topics. We also try to live this preaching!
Confession / Spiritual Direction
Every Saturday after vespers we offer confession for anyone that would like to bring their sins before God in the Sacrament of Confession. We are available at other times as well by request if you have nagging issue, question, need to confess or require spiritual guidance.
Youth Ministry
We offer a number of ministries towards youth. We have a church school for younger children, support summer youth camps, and have a youth group for teenagers.
Serving The Poor:
We do a number of outreach ministries:
- Faith build: (Habitat For Humanity) Our parish supports the building of a house for a family in need in our community.
- Project Mexico: We have sent some of our youth to help build a house via Project Mexico.
- Community Supper for those in need: We regularly host a supper for those in need in the community.
- Food Bank: During lent we collect donations to support the food bank.
- Also if you are in need, please contact, we will try to do what we can.
New Immigrants Support
Having a number of people with different language backgrounds we are able to offer support to anyone considering or recently moving to Yorkton. Please reach out to us, we can help you.
Community & Fellowship
At St Marks we typically will have a meal after Divine Liturgy on Sundays. We also will have regular BBQs, picnics and gatherings at each others houses. This is all about living as a family and learning to love each other.